Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I need a Doctor... but ice cream will work too!

Shopping is hard.

When you first start out its like this-

Hmm... I need to go get a few things for cookie boxes for workmates. It won't that long. I'll be in there for 30 minutes top!

And then...

Six. Hours. Later.

And most of that was Jo-Ann Fabrics. And then Publix. Crafts and food. Mostly food. I love food. Want to know what else I love?

Doctor Who.

Christmas day is going to be me making everyone shut up so I can watch the Doctor. This new episode is going to be my gift. I have been counting down the days until the new episode. Every morning all I can think is only a few more days!

In case you couldn't tell I love River Song. You call me your River and you own me. The episode when we first met her, I knew she would be back. Too many spoilers. I can't wait until the next episode with her in it. And just typing this makes me want to go re-watch Doctor Who. I am so in love with this show that I even wrote a paper on the Doctor for my English class. Easiest A I have ever made in any thing.

Things I learned during the last month of college:

1. Always write about something you love or hate. It makes the writing so much easier.
2. Don't wait until the last minute to write a paper. It causes so much stress that you can live without. Instead write a few lines a day and then a few days before its due read it over and fix things.
3. Finals week sucks. It is a few days that you will not get much sleep. You will be crash coursing those books and flopping around in your bed like a landed fish.
4. Extra credit is your friend. Always ask if your professor has any extra credit. I can promise you it will save your grade.
5. Don't be okay with a C. If you get one then you at least passed. But A's look much better. All it requires is a few more hours of studying and you could be getting a higher grade.
6. When your last final is over walk calmly out of the room and then do a happy dance. It will make all the stressing you did melt a little. And then go home and have some cake because you earned it. I stopped at Biscottis on my way home. Freshly made cakes yum.
7. When you walk out of that exam, you should believe that you did the best you could. If you get an A on that final you know you were doing something right.
8. At the end of the day you still have your family and friends.
9. A good long Doctor Who marathon fixes everything. And Häagen Dazs mint chocolate chip ice cream. Or chocolate peanut butter.

Time to go put on my nerd wear and watch the Doctor save the Earth again! Om nom nom Häagen Dazs!

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