Sunday, December 16, 2012

College, Ornaments, and Frosty.

So college is a big deal.

I have never been so busy in my life. But I enjoy learning. Which is really good for me because I'm pre-med.

Lately though I keep thinking more and more about how I should start blogging again. And not for all of you people who might read this but for me to remember all of the things I have done and how I could change it next time. And since it's the holiday season I have more time to craft and bake.

As of right now I have two projects going on at the same time. I guess college has taught me that I like being busy as well. Also I have become a Pinterest addict. Its quick and easy from my laptop or iPhone in between classes or even sometimes the boring class period when my professor just keeping talking and talking and talking. And it has nothing to do with the class. What. Why?

Project One: Paint Smear Ornaments. I saw these on Pinterest and I think they are super cute. But as with most things we see on the internet nothing will turn out like the picture. I mean really you can get really close but changes are it won't happen. But we shall see!
Here is where to see the original poster of these beauties!

I love the colors and its the perfect thing to make for the holidays. Plus you could even do these with the kiddos and write a name and date on them.

Project Two: Frosty the Lighted Snowman. This is one of those random things that just pops into your head and you think 'that would be a really cool project'. And I'm thinking I might be right. Its amazing that it happens. So Frosty started from these light ball ornament things you can hang in your trees outside. I saw them while driving my mother around to look at lights just the other day. They just had the store bought ones and guess what? I had an idea! And I made some of those as well. But Frosty is the big deal because I said so. To find out how to make the outdoor tree ornaments you can wait until I show you how I made them without knowing how besides I needed chicken wire and lights OR you can go here and see how this lady made hers. I basically did the same thing. I only just found this which would have made today a little easier but I had fun. Here is how her tree ornaments turned out:

Its like little globe of light floating in air! Frosty is going to be sitting on the swing in the front yard and is going to be wrapped in lights.

Here are a few things I have learned today:

1. I really need to wear gloves when messing with chicken wire. I have all these little cuts on my hands and arms that were really annoying when I was squeezing lemons for my chicken dinner. Winner winner chicken dinner.
2. I need to have a wet rag near me when messing around with paint. I was spray painting and doing those smear ornaments and I have paint on my hands. Which I don't mind because one of the paints had sparkles in it. Who doesn't like sparkles? Don't answer that.
3. People buy vacuums for their ears. I'm not kidding. As I type this I'm watching a commercial for a WaxVac. I wish I could un-see this. Its just a little weird.
4. Late night TV is something I should leave to other people.
5. Christmas trees and four cats is really funny to watch but not so funny to clean up after.

And thats all for today. Tomorrow will be the finished ornaments and maybe even Frosty.
Happy Holidays!

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