Friday, February 15, 2013

Post Valentine's Day Day

Oh Valentine's Day.

We shall always be friends.

As long I can call you 'I'm So Glad I'm Single' Day.

I know I'm so romantic.

But lets be honest here. Every year you get wine, chocolate, a teddy bear, a card, so on and so forth. The wine and chocolate get eaten quickly when you are feeling a little sad. The bear if there for you to cry on and/or punch when angry or in my case given to one of my dogs. The card gets lost or is thrown out. But that doesn't change the fact that we all still go out and buy gifts. Even I went out and got some gifts.

I even made some quick and easy cupcakes! Just mix up your favorite vanilla or white cake batter and scoop 1/3-1/2 cup of the into a small bowl and mix in some food color. Fill your cupcake liner with the plain batter. Then put a SMALL drop of the colored batter on top of the boring batter and use a toothpick to drag through the drop of colored batter.

Start out OUTSIDE of the dot and drag through the middle of the droplet and stop when you feel like it. I used three dots around the batter and dragged my toothpick in a circle.

Keep in mind that the image will change as it bakes so even if it doesn't look perfect you might still like it after it bakes!

This is a different cupcake that wasn't my favorite but it was still really pretty. With these cupcakes you could add frosting but only a small amount in the center otherwise you hide your little hearts. 

And for my last picture I give you Sophie. She has claimed this are her perch. My poor ruined kitchen needs to be fixed so the cats can't get into the roof.

This is above my counters. Bad things happen when pipes burst people! We had a few weeks of amazing, newly remodeled kitchen! And then water was pouring down our cabinets and walls one morning. So drywall, tile, cabinets, microwave, and the carpet in the room on the other side of the kitchen had to be ripped out. So we have half of a kitchen pretty much. Anyways the sad story is over.

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Don't eat all that chocolate in one day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Day in the Life of Me

I hate Mondays.

I really really hate them.

I'm lucky enough to not have to wake up extremely early. I am such a night owl. I can't help but to stay up and read a good book before bed. So this is how my Monday goes:

7:00    Wake up
7:03    Let the Rottie and the new puppy outside
7:05    Drink coffee
7:10    Homework
11:30  Get ready and head to college which is a miracle because I'm a girl!!
12:30  Math - ugh!
1:50    Study
3:30    The history of the stars and stripes
4:55    Study/cram food in my mouth
5:30    Biology II
8:45    Head home!
9:30    Eat dinner and relax

And then at some point I go to bed. Or read. It depends. Have you ever seen Treasure Planet? The silly kids movie from forever ago? It starts with this little boy 'reading' a book under his covers. That was me. Yup.

One good thing about Mondays. That was the day I got my new puppy. River the Australian Cattle Dog/ Beagle mix. Yes I named her after the Doctor Who character River Song. Because they are so alike it drives me nuts. Both are always getting into trouble. Both are very cute. Both are very smart. And as I type this River is running around chasing the cats with a very large toy snake in her mouth.

So the month of January was my "If I even think of another craft I might stab myself with sewing scissors" month. I was asked at hour 48 if I could make cookie tins for 14 coworkers of my mother. And I know I could have done just one or two types of cookies but I go over board. I made:

Samoa Bark
Peppermint Thin Mints
Stained Glass Cookies
Swirl Cookies
Double Chocolate Bread
and last but not least....
Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Mix

It was a very merry Pinterest Christmas! I changed a few of the recipes that I found.

The Peppermint Thin Mints were so good! I used a dark chocolate for a more rich flavor. 

The pinwheels were cute. I didn't use a regular sugar cookie for this. I used a butter cookie recipe I had shoved in one of my recipe boxes. I used the same butter cookie dough for the Stained Glass cookies too. It make it so they weren't really sweet so the box was not a sugar overload. 

I got the tins from Michael's on sale! Instead of paying $8 per tin it was only $2 or so. And with some tissue paper and cupcake liners to hold the yummies it was pretty easy to wrap up. All in all I was pretty happy with this for the little time I had. I did have to stay up all night to finish and helped bag these babies into the car at 6 am. Oh well. I'll sleep when I'm dead I guess!

To wrap this up I'm going to include a cute picture of my pets. Cause you know I'm weird like that.

I'm sorry but how cute is that? No one wrapped her in that blanket. She burrowed under it and plopped down and started watching Doctor Who with us. She loves the Tardis noise. If you know where I can buy a cat toy that makes the Tardis sound let me know!

Happy Monday!!